Monday 21 March 2011

Prey 2 Details Emerge

By Mark

The first real flood of details for Prey 2 have emerged from Swedish magazine 'Game Reactor' that has been kindly translated by the folks at NeoGAF. The first thing to get out of the way is that the orignal game's lead character Tommy is taking a break in the sequel. Instead we'll be playing as Killian Samuel, a Sherriff and prison guard.

The gameplay in Prey 2 has been inspired by games such as Mirror's Edge, Mass Effect, Riddick, Blade Runner and even Assassin's Creed. The levels in the game will be open, therefore leaving players to "go wherever you want, talk to whoever you want, do the missions you want".

Human Head Studios hint that the game will feature huge open ended areas by saying "Every area is comparable to Assassin's Creed 2", the game is set on the planet 'Exodus' which will contain "desert levels, big cities, 'in the wilds', [and] cave areas". In terms of how you'll be traversing these terrains, Killian will be akin to Faith from Mirror's Edge in the sense that you'll be "leaping over heights, hanging by arms from pipes, balancing on thin boards and jumping like a cat upwards structures".

As for shooting the magazine describes battles that contain "an enhanced Killzone esque cover system, battles looks so flexible, brings your thoughts back to Vanquish" all the while keeping the "freedom of Mass Effect".

No Playstation Move or 3D support is planned and neither is a multiplayer component with the producers saying: "Who would pick the MP mode of Prey 2 ahead of the one in, for example, Halo Reach? We'd rather do a really good SP adventure".

It's all sounding pretty promising so far, I think the most refreshing piece of information there though is the multiplayer statement. Human Head Studios are essentially saying why waste time tacking on an MP component when they can concentrate wholly on a great singleplayer aspect and let players continue on with their online game of choice. Something other games could learn from.

Source - NeoGAF

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